Stay up to date with what is happening at Renaissance Living.
What’s on at Renaissance Living?
At Renaissance Living there is always something to do. You can choose how much or how little you would like to do. Below is an overveiew of what is happening at the moment.
Activity: Happy Hour Drinks & Snooker Location: Upstairs Lounge near the pool table Time: 4:45pm
BYO Drinks & Nibbles
Activity: Apera with Sharon & David Location: Library Time: 3:30pm
Apera (Sherry) tea, coffee biscuits provided
Activity: Barista Coffee with Victoria and Yue. Location: At the Bar upstairs. Time: 10:30am
Coffee, Hot Chocolate etc provided.
Activity: Dinner Party, catered by Victoria & Don Ravida Location: At the restaurant Time: 5:30pm for 6pm start.
Activity: Pub Trivia Night by Marg. Location: Upstairs Lounge near the pool table Time: 4:45pm
BYO Drinks & Nibbles
Activity: Exercises with Jo. Location: Dining Area Time: 12:00pm
Activity: Pizza/Fish & Chips (Drinks) Location: Upstairs lounge near the piano or balcony weather permitting. Time: 6pm for 6:30pm
BYO Drinks.
Always On
Walking club: to South Surrey park (the flats) or up to Wattle Park (the hills).
Jigsaw puzzle: always going and all welcome to add a piece when they can.
Swimming / Pool exercise: small groups everyday.
Gardening at the vegie patch whenever you like
BBQ’s: By occasion, Grand final day, Melbourne Cup, Australia day etc
By Appointment
Haircuts by Cheryl
Podiatry by Joanna
Myotherapy & massage by Harper
Upcoming Special Events
Day trip to Maldon Goldfields Railway 6th Sept.
Dame Vera Lynn tribute show 25th Aug
Live music by Siena College Senior quartet Oct TBA
Live music by Strathcona music students date TBA.
Meditation classes resuming soon.
Recent Events
The Rock Daddy’s at East Malvern RSL
Sunday soup and sandwich lunch with family and friends
Biggest morning tea
Phillip Davey Art exhibition with arvo tea and Q & A
Day trip to Yarra Valley
Indoor and small space Gardening talk by Rob Meloury